
Showing posts from January, 2022

Work from home jobs paying than your monthly salary

   Work from home jobs|   So many jobs are available to  work from home  and can do you own place as a full time or part time employee or entrepreneur. These opportunities may generate passive income and it will be more than your employment income. Here are some job opportunities will help you to earn daily passive income.  01. Blogging Blogging is a very famous platform to earn money and easy to start your own blog by using Blogger or WordPress and write articles about your favorite topics. Examples, Sports, Financial, News, Health, Music, Foods, Products, Earn Money.... etc. Keep in mind that your contend more beneficial to audience. Would like to pay your attention about most popular blogs in the world, huffingtonpost - monthly income more than $ 41M, engadget - $ 3.9M, moz - $ 3.7M, mashable - $ 3.3M, techcrunch - $ 1.8M, copyblogger - $ 2.7M, perezhilton - $ 575K, gizmodo - $ 541K, smashingmagazine - $ 430K, fatsplus - $ 175K.  02. Affiliate Marketer Most of the users are unfamili

How to rank your website in top of Google|SEO|Top Secret

    SEO:How to rank your website in top of Google| Want to show you exactly how to rank websites at the top of Google and get pages to number one and how hard it can be get traffic to your website and especially how hard it can be to get traffic from Google but it’s one of the best traffic sources online and it’s one of the best converting traffic source that you can ever get. How you can get traffic yourself, I encourage you to read this article all the way to the end because if you have an online business or if you’re trying to make money online you want to read this article because peoples do not share these types of tips. How you can grow your business, make money online and get more traffic to your website. Having a website when you start an online journey at some stage in your online journey you’re going to have a website whether it’s a blog, whether it’s a general website, whether it’s an e-commerce store, whether it’s an affiliate marketing website, whether it’s a funnel whethe

How to improve (SEO) search engine optimization and remove broken links

    How to improve your (SEO) and remove broken links How to improve your (SEO) search engine optimization . People who have a WordPress as their platform for their website. If you do not use WordPress let's say that you use Weebly or Wix or something like that you still want to implement what I'm going to explain you here and basically what we're going over in this article is how to remove broken links. This is important because Google actually crawls your website and if there are broken links on your website and need to remove these from your website. How to rank your website in Google   When Google comes to your website and they crawl your site there's no broken links and the reason this is important is because if they find too many broken links on your website it's going to affect your  search engine optimization  and lower your rankings in the search engines. So let's get right to do it, login to your WordPress dashboard right now and install a simple plugi