How to rank your website in top of Google|SEO|Top Secret


SEO:How to rank your website in top of Google

SEO:How to rank your website in top of Google|Want to show you exactly how to rank websites at the top of Google and get pages to number one and how hard it can be get traffic to your website and especially how hard it can be to get traffic from Google but it’s one of the best traffic sources online and it’s one of the best converting traffic source that you can ever get.

How you can get traffic yourself, I encourage you to read this article all the way to the end because if you have an online business or if you’re trying to make money online you want to read this article because peoples do not share these types of tips. How you can grow your business, make money online and get more traffic to your website. Having a website when you start an online journey at some stage in your online journey you’re going to have a website whether it’s a blog, whether it’s a general website, whether it’s an e-commerce store, whether it’s an affiliate marketing website, whether it’s a funnel whether, it’s an email form to collect emails.

You are going to have a website at some stage in your journey and you want to get more traffic to that website to just go through exactly how rank websites through backlinks. If you don’t want a backlink as quickly I will tell you what is a backlink doing, someone links back to your website and it makes a website stronger usually people will tell you this to go and ask for them it’s a tedious task it sucks I hate doing it you hate doing it everyone hates doing it so below methods doing about to tell you exactly I want rank my websites.

The first thing, most people tell you to do and I’ve done this in the past as well as I’ll say hey go and download a free plugin on your website and optimize your article yes that is something you need to do but that’s very basic search engine optimization. Everyone should know that if you don’t just go and Google it it’s very simple to understand but more importantly you need to actually optimize the article itself for a specific keyword that’s very simple to do.

Strategy number one : how do I get natural backlinks from websites without asking them, here’s a little trick what you want to do is basically have main article, so let’s say you’re trying to rank article number one what you want to do is you want to maybe go to a website called answer the public community something like that and you want to do other little articles that can be 600 words to thousand or more worlds and you want to link those articles back to your main article now with these articles don’t worry about traffic for these little sub articles we don’t care about traffic for these and I will tell you why in a second what you want to do is you literally want to find the easiest keywords base on questions in your niche.

So let’s say article number one that is for about drop shipping for beginners and would then go and do heaps of many articles lie wool drop shipping work in 2020, is drop shipping dead what does drop shipping, who can start drop shipping,  what are the best drops shipping times, think will do all of these little articles are based on really keywords that are not going to rank but they have little to number of search traffic I want to do this because I want to rank for these at number one, two to three the reason  want to do this is because there’s literally thousands of peoples online just like me writing content who are looking for things to link to so there could be another people typing on google “ what is drop shipping” there goes franklin’s article number, two, three or something maybe number one because it’s so easy to rank to take this article and link back to it just got a free backlink without doing any work and want to my website to be visible so people find it.

when they’re looking for things to link to now the reason you want to link that to your main article is simple you want to send that link juice so let’s say for example got a backlink from a website called uber, it’s a very very strong website they link to one of articles that article link to other articles and that really strong link juice flows through linked it all together so that’s one of biggest tips is to go make yourself aware by doing lots of little articles base on easy questions there you can rank for it doesn’t matter if they have got any traffic you are doing this to get backlinks in this title I probably say no backlinks and what I mean that is you are not going out and asking for backlinks you are naturally getting backlinks over time with this specific method.

Method number two: is something that I focus on a lot and this is called substance I call eddie I call this adding substance to your website it your website is about drop shipping or let’s say basketball for example you want to do so much content base on basketball because more content you have base on your topic the better it is for Google and it’s going to start to rank your hire because it sees you as an authority do you need to add substance to your website too many times or too often I see websites that are called skeleton websites they literally have one article that someone’s trying to rank and that’s it and they go on by backlinks they are going to spend it with backlinks and they go all franklin fake of stuff doesn’t work because you are doing it all wrong you need to build substance so Google knows where your websites about and those where to rank you how to place you this substance and topic relevancy if you want to call it spreads throughout your  entire site ok Google is smart enough to figure out okay this websites about drop shopping or this websites about basketball we are going to start ranking these pages for all the sort of stuff.

Method number three: is pretty simple but everyone still doesn’t really understand this to that I don’t know no one does it have the most basic theme possible the reason is you want your website to be fast without putting under sidebars and nothing crazy popping out it anywhere have just it’s very very plain the reason is because I want people to focus on the content I want it to be fast especially fast and to do that I want to have a you know not much on the website also what you double the doors go on and store lots of plugins because what most people do is they will install plugins and now deactivate them but they still actually load when someone loads the website even if the plugins ant on the actual page themselves.

So you especially when you’re starting now I understand that some people will want to have some stuff on the sidebar that’s fine for try and have as least stuff as possible so you eat your website can load quickly this single-handedly helped us above some of the biggest authority websites on the planet in some of the nation’s and our men because I have had websites that are considerably faster than this or pages that are you know really really fast I focus on having really websites with a lot of relevant content and being fast and then getting those natural backlinks I do this because this is what Google wants now speed is very important but more importantly number four and it kind of ties with speed is user experience too often I go to websites that are garbage they load slow they release things popping up click here click this click there give me your email when you are starting try not to collect emails because things pop up what you want to do is have literally the most basic website that gives that user good experience so here’s a little bit of a trick.

Google wants people to scroll down your website and click on a few things so number one here’s a trick there’s a thing called what we call above the Fold that’s the content that the person pretty much sees when it hits the website what is usually do is I will do like a little paragraph and they will have a question at the bottom so let’s say how to jump they see that an article called how to jump higher and basketball in 2020 I have a bunch of content and then just before the persons scrolls down or I have a question and it might say would you like to know my best tricks for jumping higher in 2020 and it’s a psychological trigger that triggers in people’s heads okay yeah I would like to know that not everyone going scroll down but you will get a large percent of people who will scroll down that scroll is an indication to Google that person likes your content the more indications Google get like that the more they are going to ranking your website higher than your competitors.

So user experience is very important the next thing with user experience is getting them to click on things now I have a really basic site what I do is I will do like what we call anchor text  or hyperlinks you should know what they are you basically link to other articles in your website it’s like a mini backlink within your own website what you want to do is have them in really right colors because you want people to click on them. You know you have kind of got to realize that people will scroll halfway down and they will be like I can’t be bothered readiness you want to try and get them to click on something cows so they go to more content on your page on your website and you want to try and get them to stay on your website for as long as possible guys now these little tricks probably nothing new to a lot of you guys but if you implement them and you don’t know about them you will get better ranking in Google you will get more traffic and you will make more money it’s important to get backlinks but you don’t have to beg for them go and create articles with questions that will show up in Google when people other writing content will see them and they will link back to you.

Next you want to add substance to your website you want to build it out so Google knows what it’s about and it gets stronger over time. Then you want to make sure your websites very very fast and then you want to make sure you have a very good user experience if you implement these four things you will get better Google rankings. You can’t buy backlinks anymore and just span your website it doesn’t work so these are the four tips for how to rank the website in Google.


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