SEO for Beginners to Rank on Google: Powerful SEO tips

How do I improve website/blog search engine optimization|SEO|Google Ranking

Beginners guide to SEO(Search Engine Optimization)|People who have a WordPress as their platform for their website. If you do not use WordPress let's say that you use Weebly or Wix or something like that you still want to implement what I'm going to explain you here and basically what we're going over in this article is how to remove broken links. This is important because Google actually crawls your website and if there are broken links on your website and need to remove these from your website.

When Google comes to your website and they crawl your site there's no broken links and the reason this is important is because if they find too many broken links on your website it's going to affect your search engine optimization and lower your rankings in the search engines. So let's get right to do it, login to your WordPress dashboard right now and install a simple plugin called “broken link checker”. Okay activate the plugin and check status, so then what's going to happen is under tools on the left hand side it will show broken links.

Now you can click on all of the links that are on your website but we're concerned with broken links so go ahead and click on broken and then what you want to do is you can actually see on the left hand side all of the broken links on your website, on the right or in the middle it will show you the status and show you the link text. So basically what is the hyperlink say that will link out to this broken link and what you guys may find on yours is that a lot of these are from comments.

So people will come to your blog comment and then later maybe they delete their website and unfortunate that's mostly what I believe that these are when people comment on your site and now their website no longer exists because they gave up on their dream of building a business with their website that's the reality of this. So what you want to do is you want to get rid of these, so what you can do is individually you can hover over them and unlink.

Now assuming that you have gone through these and taken a look you don't want to unlink things that are something that you don't want to unlink. To improve search engine optimization what you can do in bulk on the left-hand side here is you can click this it's going to highlight all of them bulk actions drop down and you're just going to hit this unlink and click apply it's going to do a little pop up asking are you sure, click okay let it do its thing and now you can see links have been removed and now no more broken links.

So I hope this article was helpful to you. If you got value out of this article, invite you to read my other articles as well.


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